Sales Effectiveness

Delivering the most innovative research and client solutions to sales organizations

Volatility is still disrupting sales organizations – stability and a strategic sales plan are critical.

Positioning your sales organization for success will be integral now more than ever.

2023 is shaping up to be an incredibly challenging environment for sales - the key to success for any sales organization is alignment. Are you aligned with your team? Inflation is putting pressure on margins and causing uncertainty around demand in a possible recession. Finance needs more frequent and accurate forecasting from sales. Supply chains are recovering from the pandemic at an uneven pace while sales channels are evolving with incredible speed.

Keeping your sales force aligned and performing during this degree of change requires new, cutting-edge techniques. Simon-Kucher is working with hundreds of clients to drive more profitable growth every day using our proprietary suite of sales solutions.

Services and Capabilities


Confirming size of markets and identifying the most profitable customer segments


Improving lead flow, opportunity quality, and win rates


Building customer loyalty programs to increase retention


Redesigning sales compensation and quotas to better engage sales talent


World-Class Sales Operations: Capabilities for the future of Sales

Join Scott Sands, Partner & Sales Effectiveness Leader, and other industry experts to discuss:

  • Building world-class sales operations to address current and future challenges facing sales & marketing functions
  • Developing long-term sales & commercial effectiveness plans and strategies
  • Maximizing your company’s commercial effectiveness in 2023 and beyond


Senior Partner
Atlanta, USA
Atlanta, USA
San Francisco, USA
Silicon Valley, USA
San Francisco, USA
Senior Director
Chicago, USA
Contact us

Our experts are always happy to discuss your issue. Reach out, and we’ll connect you with a member of our team.