Better Health

Unlock the latest preventive healthcare trends

At Simon-Kucher, we believe in better health.

Our Better Health Report 2023 is out now

We offer in-depth insights into the dynamic world of healthcare. Through our global survey, we have gained valuable information from nearly 3000 respondents, shedding light on the current trends in the healthcare industry and the importance of disease prevention engagement in consumer health.

We take a closer look at digital vs. traditional engagement, exploring the business opportunities and bridging geographical and demographic gaps. Talking to patients in seven countries, we map out a direction for companies for getting involved in disease prevention.

Download our deep dive into healthcare's most impactful trends. 

better health

Results at a glance


consider engagement in disease prevention as relevant


see avoiding (the progression of) diseases as the main reason to engage in prevention


higher engagement in mental disease prevention among females 


of respondents use only non-digital aides 

€100 +

average monthly spend for 1/5 of the younger generation - and growing!

Specialists, sources, and aides

One of the key aspects we explore is the tools and resources patients use in their journey towards disease prevention. We delve into the various specialists they consult, the sources they rely on for information, and the aides they employ to maintain their wellbeing. Understanding these preferences helps us tailor our recommendations to suit individual needs and preferences.

Willingness to pay

Furthermore, our research also examines the willingness of individuals to invest in disease prevention. We analyze the factors that influence their decision to pay for preventive measures and identify the barriers that may hinder their engagement. By understanding these drivers and obstacles, we can develop strategies to encourage more people to prioritize their health and invest in preventive healthcare.


Importantly, our study recognizes the diversity among different demographics and the variations in their approach to disease prevention. We acknowledge that what works for one group may not be as effective for another. Therefore, we consider these differences and develop a strategic path that caters to the unique needs and challenges of each demographic.

Have your read our latest Digital Health Trend Study?

Monetizing wearables

What's next?

Watch our video to learn more from our industry expert!

How we've helped

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Munich, Germany
Senior Partner
Boston, USA
Munich, Germany
Boston, USA
Senior Partner
Munich, Germany
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Cologne, Germany
Paris, France
Boston, USA
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Luxembourg, Luxembourg
London, UK
Milan, Italy
Madrid, Spain
Beijing, China & San Francisco, USA

Find out more

At Simon-Kucher, we have led the way in the healthcare industry for over 35 years, helping pharmaceutical, medical technology, digital and consumer healthcare companies identify, enhance, and realize the true value of their offers.

With our highly experienced teams based across Europe, the Americas, and Asia we provide truly global delivery capabilities combined with deep local market expertise to address the specific commercial challenges of our clients.

Working together with you, we unlock growth opportunities as we help commercialize innovations that improve patient health and wellbeing.